Cigar Storage & Cigar Smoking Lounge Opening Soon in the Heart of Downtown Reno

The Gung-Ho Hive at The Montage
West @ Commercial | 255 N Sierra St, Reno, NV 89501

Exclusively for Members of The Gung-Ho Hive
Cigar Storage in Private, Lockable, Humidity and Temperature-Controlled Humidors
Cigar Smoking Lounge with a Fireplace and TV/Monitor
Additional Features and Amenities Include:
Fine Dining Restaurant, Premium Bar, and Café
Significantly Discounted Food and Drinks
Relaxing, Socializing, Networking, and Entertainment Areas
Private Event Areas
Co-Working Office Space

For More Information, Click or Tap The Gung-Ho Hive, or
Call Samantha Gottloeb, Storage Manager, at (775) 762-5912, to Reserve A Unit